Altar Guild

The Altar (Chancel) Guild is made up of a director and members who work to assist the rector and other service leaders to ensure that their worship spaces are prepared for services.  As a member of the Altar Guild, you are made aware of the significance and history of altar furnishings and instructed in their care and preparation for church services. 

Setting the Eucharistic/Communion Table, as a member of the Altar Guild, is a fulfilling and deeply meaningful way to serve God.  The word “Eucharist” comes from a Greek word meaning “to give thanks.”  Jesus gave thanks, broke the bread, and gave it to his disciples; raised the cup and gave thanks, and gave it to his disciples.  In our day, we are privileged to have the opportunity to contribute, in a small but important way, in the preparation of this most important service.  In Genesis 28:17, Jacob refers to a place of worship by saying “What an awesome place this is!  It is none other than the House of God, the gateway of Heaven”.   Wherever we worship, be it as the early Christians did in people’s homes, in the more modern “store fronts” in a shopping area or in the more traditional church buildings, we approach our work with the same reverential awe as we prepare and assemble our “House of God” for every service.

We all contribute to our Parish in various ways.  The Altar Guild is a ministry in which one can find a feeling of deep connection, both with your parish and other like-minded members, who work quietly behind the scenes with reverence as you serve God in this capacity.  Each team of members enjoys a certain camaraderie, sense of fulfilment and inspiration that comes from the intimate preparation of the Eucharist Table.  One might also enjoy a deeper appreciation for the history and knowledge of the Liturgical Calendar as the ornaments and hangings are prepared and changed throughout the church year.  Some guild members may use their skills in taking care of the linens, others may enjoy cleaning the vessels, yet others might have a knack for arranging the flowers and others may come to take part, as needed, to assist in any duty required of them. 

While this Ministry has been done primarily by women, the Altar Guild welcomes any parishioner who would like to be a member of the Altar Guild.  Once trained, members have the flexibility to come to fulfil their duties at times convenient for them and do their work without supervision. 

If you would like to join in this service, or just see what it involves, please call the Church Office at 519-344-5167. You will be trained “on the job” so previous experience is not a prerequisite.