Wednesday 2 October

Much like Bible Crossword, Bible Study is for those who wish to learn more about the Bible in an environment that is both supportive and non-threatening. One does not need to be an “expert” in order to participate. This is an enjoyable and relaxing, yet educational, activity for those who are interested in learning a bit more about the Bible without having to enrol in Huron College. This activity takes place on Wednesdays as advertised in the announcement page. If you are curious about this event, please feel free to join us. You will most assuredly be warmly welcomed.

Friday 13 September

With fall having settled in gracefully, this group of intrepid bibliophiles is still gathering every month on a Friday evening in order to enjoy fellowship, sip wine, enjoy cheese and other nibbles, and, eventually, get around to reading passages from favourite magazines and books. As always, the group spent some time getting caught up on events since last Sunday, and just generally enjoyed each other’s company in a relaxed setting. The photo below is of an earlier gathering at a parishioner’s home. If you haven’t given one of these evenings a try, please come join us next month. You will be warmly welcomed!

Wednesday 7 August

Much like Bible Crossword, Bible Study is for those who wish to learn more about the Bible in an environment that is both supportive and non-threatening. One does not need to be an “expert” in order to participate. This is an enjoyable and relaxing, yet educational, activity for those who are interested in learning a bit more about the Bible without having to enrol in Huron College. This activity takes place on Wednesdays as advertised in the announcement page. If you are curious about this event, please feel free to join us. You will most assuredly be warmly welcomed.

Friday 26 July

On Friday, a small but dedicated group of singers gathered for dinner at five o’clock at John’s Restaurant on London Line and then headed back to the church for a hymn sing around 6:30. Reservations having been made, a table was set up and waiting for this hungry crowd of singers. This fun activity is suitable for all those who enjoy fellowship, eating, and singing beautiful hymns. As always, the more, the merrier, so if you are interested, please feel free to join in the good food, witty conversation, wholesome fellowship, and wonderful hymn-singing!

Tuesday 23 July

Just like every Tuesday unless the weather is thoroughly catastrophic, a small but intrepid group of walkers assembles in the parking lot off Christina Street North and sets out on a wonderful hike through the park. To be honest, some choose to hike and others choose to gently amble, but fellowship is enjoyed by all. After the hike/amble, the group then moves on to a local restaurant for lunch, which is always timed to begin at 12:15 p.m. If you would like to join us for lunch, please let the office know by noon on Friday so that reservations can be made and so that you can be told which restaurant will be the venue. Click here to be taken to the photos page for this event. The photos below are of the group enjoying the walk and the after-walk meal. All are welcome to join us!

Friday 12 July

Despite the fact that it is summer, this group of intrepid bibliophiles intends to continue meeting every month on a Friday evening in order to enjoy fellowship, sip wine, enjoy cheese and other nibbles, and, eventually, get around to reading passages from the books that they are currently enjoying. As always, the group caught up on events since last Sunday and just generally enjoyed each other’s company in a relaxed setting. The photo below is of an earlier gathering at the Rectory. If you haven’t given one of these evenings a try, please come join us next month. You will be warmly welcomed!

Monday 8 July

Bible Crossword, which is certainly not at all an activity only for those who have memorised each and every passage of the Holy Bible, is instead a fun-filled and relaxing, yet educational, activity for those who are interested in learning a bit more about the Bible but in a socially enjoyable environment. This activity takes place on the second Monday of the month and, as always, was thoroughly enjoyed by one and all. If you are curious about this event, please feel free to join us. You will most assuredly be warmly welcomed.

Monday 24 June

The ACW Picnic, which had been moved to the Pajuk home, , was yet another wonderful success, with Mother Nature, bless her, having been entirely co-operative. The format was potluck with members having made their favourite picnic recipes. With all women in the congregation being members of the ACW, there was a good turnout once again. The photo below is of an earlier such event at Natalie and Eleri’s home.

Friday 21 June

Despite the rainy start to the evening, a wonderful time was had by one and all as we reminisced, enjoyed a vast selection of wines, cheeses and desserts, and eventually got around to reading passages from the books that we are currently reading. Although Carole and John had initially planned for a gathering on the deck, the kitchen and living room sufficed for event. We caught up on events since last Sunday and just generally enjoyed each other’s company in a relaxed setting. The photo below shows the crowd just upon arrival as we loaded our plates and filled our wine glasses. If you haven’t given one of these evenings a try, please come join us next month. You will be warmly welcomed!

Sunday 16 June

Following the main service, a fabulous lunch was served that was well received by one and all. Tickets had been quickly sold out and only by special pleading were seats available. As always, many thanks are offered to the wonderful staff in our kitchen who so tirelessly and selflessly put on such wonderful meals for the congregation.

Sunday 12 May

By all accounts, our Mother’s Day reception following the main service was thoroughly enjoyed by one and all. A large group was in attendance for a tremendous spread that was hosted by our hard-working kitchen team. Sincere thanks are offered to our intrepid volunteers who always go above and beyond to ensure that these events are a time to remember. We are all eagerly looking forward to the Father’s Day Luncheon.

Friday 10 May

Yet another wonderful evening of sharing wine, cheese, snacks, and, of course, the reading and discussing of passages from our favourite books took place at the Rectory. These monthly gatherings are a great deal of fun. We read passages from books, chatted about them, fell off-topic, ate cheese and drank both red and white wine, all the while enjoying each other’s company. We also indulged in homemade cookies and cupcakes, in addition to the usual fare. If you haven’t given one of these evenings a try, please come join us next month. You will be warmly welcomed!

Friday 12 April

Another wonderful evening of sharing wine, cheese, snacks, and, of course, the reading and discussing of passages from our favourite books took place at the Rectory. If you haven’t given one of these evenings a try, please come join us next month. You will have a wonderful time!

Saturday 30 March

St Bartholomew’s; Canon Davis Memorial; Trinity, Sarnia; St John in the Wilderness, Bright’s Grove; and St Paul’s, Point Edward, joined All Saints’ for an Easter Vigil service much along the lines of last year’s service. Weather not having permitted, the service began inside Parish Hall for the next portion of the service rather than in the backyard of the Rectory. After that, we formed up in Memorial Hall for the rehearsal of our baptismal vows, and then the service concluded in the church proper. A light reception took place afterwards back in Parish Hall where a time of warm fellowship amongst the members of the various congregations took place. Thanks are offered to those who contributed to the refreshments. The photos below show parishioners in Parish Hall for the opening portion of the Vigil and then renewing their Baptismal Vows in Memorial Hall.

Friday 29 March

Having spent the 40 days of Lent emptying ourselves of all that is not godly, we have gone to the cross with Jesus and have committed our lives into God’s hands, just as Jesus did. After the holiest of services, we retreated to Parish Hall, where we enjoyed hot cross buns — an old Christian treat — and discussed our plans for the rest of the Triduum.

Saturday 23 March

By all accounts, our baked good and book sale was a veritable success. Parish Hall was awash in food items from one end of the hall to the other, with an extra aisle up the centre of the room. It is clear that those who volunteered their time and effort have succeeded beyond anyone’s wildest imagination. The following food items were available: cookies; Easter cookies; squares; loaves; cinnamon rolls; frozen turkey, chicken and beef meat pies; and many different kinds of frozen soup. Should their be any leftovers, they will doubtless be available for sale on Sunday. Congratulations are offered to certain intrepid members of the congregation, including those in the photo to the left, who spent countless hours over several weekends in preparation for this tremendous parish-wide activity.

Friday 15 March

Another wonderful evening of sharing wine, cheese, snacks, and, of course, the reading and discussing of passages from our favourite books took place at the Rectory. If you haven’t given one of these evenings a try, please come join us next month. You will have a wonderful time!

Tuesday 13 February

Continuing a long tradition at All Saints’, we hosted yet another thoroughly successful Shrove Tuesday pancake supper. Traffic was heavy throughout the evening with the last guest finishing her meal well after closing time. Thanks are extended to our team of hard-working and intrepid volunteers for another successful event.

Friday 9 February

Another wonderful evening was spent sharing wine, cheese, snacks, and, of course, the reading and discussing of passages from our favourite books. If you would like to join us for a wonderful Friday evening such as this, please join us next time. Call the office at +15193445167 for further information. All are welcome!

Thursday 1 February

Members of the congregation took good advantage of Jane Hunter’s kind offer of a private, guided tour of the “A Family Palette” exhibition at the Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery. A dedicated docent at the art gallery, Jane Hunter provided us with a true insider’s view of this wonderful exhibit of the art of Frances-Anne Johnston, Franz Johnston and Franklin Arbuckle. Those of us who took part thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Sincere thanks are offered to our talented and knowledgeable docent!

Saturday 27 January

As is the case with all of our parish-wide activities, this event was a wonderful success, being a time of fellowship and celebration. Our thanks are offered to Heather Norwood and Sandy Nyp, and their team of hardworking folk. Parishioners and guests alike were heard to say that they look forward to more of these sorts of parish dinners. Well done, Team Ham!