Bulletin: Jul 28 Holy Eucharist BAS

Announcements: Jul 28

The service at 8:00 in the chapel is Holy Communion using the BCP on the first and second Sundays of the month, and the traditional-language service using the BAS on the other Sundays of the month.


All Saints’ Anglican Parish is a caring church family that worships God in reverence and wonder. We serve God and our neighbours through music, liturgy, support, and outreach.

The All Saints’ Parish family is caring,
generous and appreciative,
and invites you to join us for worship!

We are located at the intersection of Vidal Street North and Charlotte Street in Sarnia in a large High Victorian structure that is treasured. Our parish was formed through the amalgamation of St George’s, Sarnia; St John’s, Sarnia; and Christ Church, Corunna.

Our Sunday energy is focused on our worship services at 8:00 a.m., which is a traditional-language said-service, and at 10:30 a.m., which is a choral service. We enjoy fellowship during our coffee hour after the second service. Our worship is directed towards learning to know and be aware of God’s love, which is available to us through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice at Calvary, and God’s acceptance of His sacrifice for us by raising him from the dead.

Through the rest of the week, our energy is focused on activities that provide opportunities for parishioners and outside friends to increase our bonding in God’s love through work and play together through such activities as Bible study, a walking club, a book club, card and board games, and workshops on topics of interest to the congregation.

To read more about us, please visit the various pages in this website, which is always a work in progress, or click here to be taken to the “ABOUT” page.


Friday 26 July beginning at 5:00 p.m. at John’s Restaurant
and then at 6:30 p.m. at the Church

This Friday, a small but dedicated group of singers will gather for dinner at five o’clock at John’s Restaurant on London Line and then back to the church for a hymn sing around 6:30. In order that reservations can be made, please call Valerie in the church office at 519.344.5167 in order to ensure a place at the table. This is a fun activity for those who enjoy fellowship, eating, and singing beautiful hymns. As always, the more, the merrier!



Tuesday 23 July

Just like every Tuesday unless the weather is thoroughly catastrophic, a small but intrepid group of walkers assembles in the parking lot off Christina Street North and sets out on a wonderful hike through the park. To be honest, some choose to hike and others choose to gently amble, but fellowship is enjoyed by all. After the hike/amble, the group then moves on to a local restaurant for lunch, which is always timed to begin at 12:15 p.m. If you would like to join us for lunch, please let the office know by noon on Friday so that reservations can be made and so that you can be told which restaurant will be the venue. Click here to be taken to the photos page for this event. The photo below is of the group enjoying lunch last week at Boston Pizza at the Four Points Sheraton after a bracing — or not so bracing — walk. All are welcome to join us!

Friday 12 July

Despite the fact that it is summer, this group of intrepid bibliophiles intends to continue meeting every month on a Friday evening in order to enjoy fellowship, sip wine, enjoy cheese and other nibbles, and, eventually, get around to reading passages from the books that they are currently enjoying. As always, the group caught up on events since last Sunday and just generally enjoyed each other’s company in a relaxed setting. The photo below is of an earlier gathering path the Rectory. If you haven’t given one of these evenings a try, please come join us next month. You will be warmly welcomed!

Monday 8 July

Bible Crossword, which is certainly not at all an activity only for those who have memorised each and every passage of the Holy Bible, is instead a fun-filled and relaxing, yet educational, activity for those who are interested in learning a bit more about the Bible but in a socially enjoyable environment. This activity takes place on the second Monday of the month. If you are curious about this event, please feel free to join us. You will most assuredly be warmly welcomed.

Monday 24 June

The ACW Picnic, which had been moved to the Pajuk home, , was yet another wonderful success, with Mother Nature, bless her, having been entirely co-operative. The format was potluck with members having made their favourite picnic recipes. With all women in the congregation being members of the ACW, there was a good turnout once again. The photo below is of an earlier such event at Natalie and Eleri’s home.