Activities 2025
Monday 20 January
Despite the intense cold and the icy conditions, an intrepid group of our parishioners braved the elements in order to attend this month’s ACW meeting — with men being invited this one time — to learn about our website and, in the process, to become more familiar with using web-based technology. All manner of hot beverages and mouth-watering snacks were on offer as this eager crowd dug into their electronic devices and dove into the many pages of our site. At the end of the session, participants left with a greater understanding of the material that is on the site and some mentioned that they would be open to attending a workshop on becoming more familiar with their smartphones and tablets. Stay tuned for an announcement along those lines…

Sunday 19 January
On Sunday, immediately after the main service, we met in Parish Hall for the purpose of discussing future directions that are being considered and, most importantly, to secure the input of the congregation. After discussing our options, guidance was provided to our wardens and committee representatives regarding the preferred way forward. Based on that guidance, our wardens and committee members have already taken next steps in preparation for next week’s Parish Council meeting. This further consideration of our options will used by our wardens and committee members in their work with the overall group that works with our archdeacon. Further information will be provided in a timely fashion.